LLN Organized a Program on Violation against Children and Cyber Security

  • 02 Dec 2023

LLN Organized a Program on Violation against Children and Cyber Security

Legal Literacy - Nepal, in coordination with Tokha Municipality, organized an orientation program for 30 students from 3 community schools of Tokha Municialiy in the meeting hall of Ward No:3, Tokha on 2 December 2023. In the program 15 girls and 15 boys were oriented on different forms of violation including corporal punishment at home and schools, online violation against children and its consequences. In the first session, children were oriented on different forms of corporal punishment, reasons of corporal punishment and its consequences on children and society. In the program the findings of data on corporal punishment was shared. Along with the rights of children against corporal punishment, they were oriented on their duties towards schools, teachers and guardians.  

Likewise, in the second session children were oriented on different forms of cybercrime, effects of cybercrime on victims etc. They were oriented on legal provisions for action or protection from cybercrime. Likewise, they were oriented on different protection measures from cybercrime and where to report the cases of cybercrime.

The program was organized in coordination with Tokha Municipality and funded by DKA Austria.